Thursday, May 23, 2019
How did the involvement of the United States affect the outcome of World War II Essay
fragment A Plan of Investigation The united States before and after the beginning of adult male contest II prided itself on independence and closing off from foreign affairs. The U.S. already had to intervene in human race warfare I, helping to create the Treaty of Versailles against Germany, and did non wish to repeat history in World state of war II. Germany, being angry of this treaty, began an uprising under the authority of German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Revolts spread throughout all of Europe, causing the cornerstone of dissimilar alliances, mainly the Allied and Axis Powers.The joined States still held its standpoint of isolationism and did not interfere with or support any war effort that is, until Japan make an attempt to seize China, which was a strong trade nation for the U.S. The U.S. made attempts to keep Japan out of China for trade purposes only, but were unsuccessful cod to President Franklin D. Roosevelts desire to keep neutrality. Jap an then struck at the United States with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The future(a) day, the U.S. officially declared war.How did U.S. involvement affect the outcome of World fight II? This investigation will cover the chronological order of counterbalancets of World fight II that involved the United States in any matter and how they affected the heave of the war. Most of the research will be from books indite by historians of the new-made 20th century (1994-2000), mainly on the events of World War II from different vantage points. These primary sources incorporate most of the information that proved pointless for World War II, giving extensive knowledge of all events.Part B Summary of EvidenceAt the beginning of World War II, the U.S. lived by one phrase Stay Out of the War All actions done by the government were attempts to keep the U.S. out of the war at any message necessary. But after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the U.S. had no choice but to enter the war and fight against the Japanese seize of power. Almost instantaneously following the U.S.s declaration of war, Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S. The involvement of United States in World War II revolutionized how war would be fought for the feeler centuries. picSpitfire War Fighter Plane Manufacture at Castle Bromwich in Great BritainThe most important factor that affected the outcome of World War II was the U.S.s mass production of weapons. The economy became known as the arsenal of democracy, using almost e very dollar on spend to produce every kind weapon imaginable to win battles on land, sea, and air. The economy of the United States boomed as mass production peaked, unemployment was dissolved, and the Statesn citizens payments were doubled. In arise for this rapid production of weapons, the U.S. was now allied with three early(a) military powerhouses the British Empire (currently known as Great Britain), France, and the Soviet Union (mainly Russia ). With the asset of Americas mass weapon supply, the tide of the war completely changed. This new alliance became a force to be reckoned with. These new additions led to the creation of the atomic bomb, which would devastate Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Another factor that affected the war was the U.S.s knowledge of warfare in both air and water. America and Great Britain were the most important factors of air bombings during their time in the war, which was the most important weapon when it came to the invasion of Germany. Great Britain and the U.S. came together to design the P-51 Mustang, which was used to go through bomber planes during the day with this addition, air raids could now take place both at day and night. Germany was being destroyed effect by piece by the constant borage of bombings it suffered. America also created the proximity fuse, which was a thingamajig put inside antiaircraft shells that detonated when it came close to airplanes or the ground. This add ed to the ability of the Allies to fight against air warfare from Germany and Japan. Along with these creations, the U.S. advanced its naval warfare. The creation of the inflatable flotation device advanced the U.S. fight forward with extreme momentum, as the device gave tanks the ability to swim across rivers and other bodies of water. The creation of the U.S.S. Bogue also created another advantage for the U.S. as it was able to fight against the German U-Boat.Part C military rank of SourcesStein, R. Conrad. World War II in Europe America Goes to War Hillside, N.J., U.S.A. Enslow, 1994. R. Conrad Stein, who studied history at the University of Illinois and the University of Guanajuato, is an author of history reference books. He has written extensively on the events of history, ranging from the Underground Railroad to the Korean War. The purpose of this book is to justify the events of World War II and also explain the role of the United States in the war. This book explains in g reat detail the events of World War II and how each side of the war was affected with each event olibanum making the book valuable to this investigation. This book is also valuable because it provides a full list of the important events of World War II in chronological order and an appendix for each chapter so that further references can be made for the book. There arent any major limitations on this book.Adams, Simon. World War II. New York DK Pub., 2004. Simon Adams, who studied history and politics at the London School of Economics and Bristol University, is an author and editor of reference books on history. He has been a regular history writer for 15 years and since then has written over 60 books on a wide spectrum of historical events. The purpose of this book is to explain the events of World War II and use examples, such as wartime symbols and other objects, to convey the information of the war to the reader. The book is valuable because there are get-go hand quotes from individuals who witnessed the events of World War II and there are actual articles of evidence from the war to give further explanation its events. The only limitation is that nigh of the information of the book seems to be slightly vague and broad instead of in great detail, but overall this book proves to be very resourceful.Part D AnalysisThe United States intervention was extremely essential to the outcome of World War II, as supported by the sources listed in the previous instalment and other reliable sources. Seeing that R. Conrad Stein and Simon Adams both graduated from top tier universities for history (University of Illinois for Stein Bristol University for Adams), one can conclude that the information presented in their books is very accurate. The only information that seems to be missing is that the United States wanted to stay completely isolated from this war because of World War I, but this piece of information is presented in most sources including information on t he U.S. and World War II, so this can be implicated. The evidence used for this investigation overall is very accurate.This presents the appropriate interpretations and point-of-views that convey the information of the events of World War II involving the United States. This investigation is important because the U.S.s involvement in the war changed the course of area history. Just as in most events involving military conflict, a number of factors played a role in the U.S. decision to join World War II. Even though the U.S. had only one prime purpose at the beginning of the war-eliminate the Japanese uprising-, their actions affected the entire war as a whole.However, the U.S. was not primly concerned with Japan before their entrance in the war the U.S. was more concerned about how China would be affected. On the other hand, even though China played a role in the U.S.s decision, it would be Japans desire for domination that would lead to the involvement of the United States in Worl d War II. Ultimately, the involvement of United States in World War II changed the tide of the war as well as the tide of history that would affect foreign affiliations greatly.Part E ConclusionAccording to these sources as well as many prestigious historians on World War II, such as Stephen Ambrose, the war seemed to mostly, if not almost entirely, in the Axis Powers favor when it came to deciding the victor. The Axis Powers were in control of most of the war and had predominate the big names of the Allied Powers (France and Great Britain). Had the U.S. never gotten involved after the attack on Pearl Harbor, The Allied Powers would not keep been able to backlash back from their losses and the Axis Powers would have emerged out of the biggest war the world has ever seen as the victors, changing the tide of world history forever.Hitlers Nazi ideology wouldve been able to spread like wildfire through all of Europe and eventually wouldve been able to spread to the rest of the world. Not only that but other major events of during the era, such as the beginning of the space race, wouldve never been able to occur because the United States and the U.S.S.R. wouldve been bended to the will of Germany, Japan, and Italy. The United States and the U.S.S.R. would have never became the twain sole superpowers of the world instead, the major countries of the Axis Powers, mainly Germany, Japan, and Italy, would have taken the U.S. and U.S.S.R.s places. The U.S. intervention would have also affected the present day. The United States would have never been able to be called the land of opportunity because the United States would have lost their worldwide acclaim. Overall, one can say that had the U.S. not intervened in World War II, the world would not be the world we know of today.
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