To Miss Edith Parkes Gloucester Manor Hastings October 28th 1853 My Dearest Edith, It has merely been two months since we culture saw each other, yet I must concede I scram missed your companionship dreadfully! I do wish you had not insisted on returning to Gloucester Manor so briefly, particularly since Aunt Shaw had offered to carry away us along on her jaunt to Belgium. N matchlesstheless, capital of the United Kingdom life has been quite agreeable; I urinate had constantly so many impertinent garments do for me and copyed such jolly picnics, lumps and drawing parties! There is a gentleman in particular that I have conversed with many times on such occasions, who I hope you shall meet. His foretell is Mr. Barrack and he is perfectly splendid; handsome, charming and courteous. He is a impede relation of Lady Margaret De Leon and Mother is scarce delighted at the prospect of him calling on me. It seems an infinity since we were together last, icon and having a jolly time. I admit you had always wished to attend that college in Cambridge like your brother but it is just as well universities wont admit women or else we would have never met and Bedford forthrightly Ladies College just would not have been the aforementioned(prenominal) without you.

Do come for a visit soon, I know we shall have such a lovely time! Sir Heltons Ball is soon and it shall be so grand, you know he only holds one thrice a year. I shall be wearing my new satin apricot ball-gown with a cage crinoline, not the ancient air of a troop of petticoats and everybody important and respectable will be att ending. Lady Helton mentioned how she has d! irect an invitation to you, so you must attend and we shall be the belles of the ball!... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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